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Zonka Feedback

Which piece of art work did you engage with most and why? *

What message or idea are you taking away from this exhibition? *

How did your understanding about anti-apartheid history or activism change after viewing this exhibition? *

In the next question we'll ask you to make a short comment on your choice

Please explain why you chose the option in the last question : *

Are there any other comments you'd like to share with us about the exhibition / your experience here? Please use this section to tell us more:

And finally…A bit about who you are... While we know that categorising you into tick boxes is an imperfect tool in understanding who you are, it does help us to understand more about those who connect with our work and with the themes of the exhibition.  Please answer these questions in ways that feel relevant to you or choose "N/A" when you prefer not to share this information.

What is the postcode area of your home address? E.g. N1 *

Please select your age category *

How regularly do you participate in arts, heritage or cultural activities? *

How do you describe your own cultural and ethnic heritage? (e.g. Black African, British Asian, White European etc.)

Please add your email address if you'd like to be added to our mailing lists:

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Zonka Feedback

Thank you for your feedback.

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Zonka Feedback