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Just take this quick survey regarding financial benefits and wellness
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How satisfied are you with the retirement account offerings at this company?
not at all satisfied
not so satisfied
somewhat satisfied
very satisfied
extremely satisfied
How satisfied are you with the life insurance offerings from your employer?
not at all satisfied
not so satisfied
somewhat satisfied
very satisfied
extremely satisfied
How confident are you that you are on the right track to save enough for retirement?
not at all confident
not so confident
somewhat confident
very confident
extremely confident
How confident are you that you have your debt under control?
not at all confident
not so confident
somewhat confident
very confident
extremely confident
How confident are you that you know who to contact at your company if you have questions about your retirement accounts?
not at all confident
not so confident
somewhat confident
very confident
extremely confident
How confident are you that someone at your company can help you make good decisions about your financial future?
not at all confident
not so confident
somewhat confident
very confident
extremely confident
Thank you for your feedback.
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