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Take this survey and let us know how you feel about environmental issues.
How concerned are you about air pollution?
not at all concerned
moderately concerned
slightly concerned
very concerned
extremely concerned
How concerned are you about the extinction of endangered animals?
not at all concerned
somewhat concerned
not so concerned
very concerned
extremely concerned
When people get involved in trying to solve environmental problems, how often do you think they make things better?
once in a while
about half the time
most of the time
How well do you think the environment can recover on its own from problems caused by humans?
not at all well
not so well
somewhat well
very well
extremely well
How safe would you feel if a nuclear energy plant were built near you live?
not at all safe
slightly safe
moderately safe
very safe
extremely safe
How often do you recycle?
once in a while
about half the time
most of the time
Thank you for your feedback.
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