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How concerned are you about the effects of the coronavirus on you?
Extremely worried
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not so worried
Not at all worried
How concerned are you about the potential impact of the coronavirus on your business?
Extremely worried
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not so worried
Not at all worried
How easy or difficult do you find it nowadays to work effectively?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Neither easy or difficult
Somewhat easy
Very easy
What are the TOP THREE most challenging aspects of working remotely for you?
My physical workspace
Keeping a regular schedule
Social isolation
Too many distractions at home
Internet connectivity
Communication issues wth coworkers
How long do you think you'll be able to keep up with your current work from home arrangements?
It's not sustainable now
One week
A few weeks
About a month
Two months
Three or more months
How often would you like the leadership team to communicate how your company will handle business complications due to coronavirus?
Every day
A few times a week
About once a week
Less often than that
How confident are you that you have the right support network outside of work to help you get through this difficult time?
Extremely confident
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not so confident
Not confident at all
What is your single greatest work-related concern right now?
Thank you for your feedback.
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