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Are you satisfied working from home during coronavirus? Help us understand
Let's begin
How satisfied are you with your current work from home arrangement?
Very disatisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Neither satisfied nor disatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about working from home this week than you were last week?
About the same
What are the TWO most significant obstacles you're currently encountering while working from home?
Getting enough food
Keeping a regular schedule
I'm sick or helping others who are sick
Communication with co-workers is harder
Social isolation
General anxiety about the impact of coronavirus in my life
My physical workplace
Internet connectivity
Do you have all the equipment you need in order to do work from home?
Do you have a dedicated workspace where you can work at your home?
How often do you keep at a regular working schedule at home?
About half the time
Most days
Every day
What else do you need from me to do your job well while working remotely?
What questions do you have that I can take back to our team or company leadership?
Thank you for your feedback.
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