How satisfied are you with the product training and education you received?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It was easy to understand and grasp the concepts taught during the product training.

Please rate the following aspects of our product training and education:

  Very Poor Poor Neutral Good Excellent
Clarity of content
Training session's interactivity
Effectiveness in building knowledge
Quality of training material

How well did the product training and education prepare you to effectively use our product?


Which of the following formats would you prefer for the future product training and education sessions?

Select all that apply

Please specify

Which areas of the product training and education would you like to see further improvements or enhancements?

Select all that apply

Please specify

How likely are you to apply the knowledge and skills acquired through the training in your daily work?


On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product training and education to others?

Not at all likely
Not at all likely Extremely likely
Extremely likely